Bob Fernholz
Why PCH? Why were you interested in joining the PCH Board and working for affordable housing in Princeton? And how long have you been on the Board?
I went to a meeting at Daniela's house, and became interested in PCH: I thought that with my investment-management experience I could help the newly emerging PCH endowment. My interest probably comes from the fact that when I was a kid, I lived with my mother in "affordable housing" in Princeton when affordable housing didn't exist in Princeton. I'm coming to the end of my second 3-year term as a PCHDC trustee, so I've been on the board for about 5 1/2 years.
What is your professional background?
I was trained as a mathematician --- PhD Mathematics, Columbia 1967 --- taught and did research in math and statistics around the world for a number of years, and then moved into mathematical finance (a branch on mathematics). As a result of my research in mathematical finance, in 1987 I founded an institutional equity management firm in Princeton, Intech Investment Management, LLC, with offices at 1 Palmer Square. I've been retired from Intech for about 10 years now, although I continue to do academic research.
What other volunteer activities do you participate in?
I'm a trustee emeritus of the Institute for Advanced Study and a trustee of the Fernholz Foundation and the Minerva Research Foundation, both founded by our family.
How long have you been in the Princeton area and why did you come to this community?
Of my 80 years, I've probably spent about 55 years in Princeton. I was born and raised (mostly) in Princeton, received a BA from Princeton University in 1962, then was away from Princeton until 1979 when first I and then my wife, Luisa, taught in the Princeton Statistics Department (when they still had a Statistics Department).
What are your hobbies and interests, specifically as they relate to housing?
Nothing directly in housing, but I'm very interested in the redistribution of wealth, which at least intersects with affordable housing.