
Princeton Rentals Program

Since 2011, PCH has served as the Administrative Agent for the Municipality of Princeton’s Affordable Rental Program.

PCHDC currently oversees the application process for 37 rental units in several locations in Princeton.

  • Overseeing rental affordability controls

  • Affirmative marketing for each rental property

  • Processing all rental applications

As the Administrative Agent, PCHDC is responsible for

  • Completing household income certifications

  • Maintaining the rental waitlist of income eligible applicants

  • Informing owners of annual rental adjustments set by NJ COAH

  • Conducting random selection lotteries as needed.

 PCHDC follows the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing’s  (NJ COAH) guidelines to administer the Princeton Affordable Rental Program, as defined and set forth in the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls (UHAC) and in N.J.A.C. 5:80-26:1 et seq.

Further details can be found at: