John Gilmore
Why PCH? Why were you interested in joining the PCH Board and working for affordable housing in Princeton? And how long have you been on the Board?
I joined the PCH Board over 20 years ago at the request of Ted Vial, a church friend and one of the founders of the organization. To me, the provision of sufficient affordable housing within a community is a justice issue. I am struck by the fact that, as studies show, your zip code has much to say about your health and life expectancy.
What is your professional background?
I am a certified public accountant and attorney, and have a master of divinity degree. For the last 32 years of my working career, I served as a vice president at two Presbyterian seminaries, most recently retiring after 20 years as senior vice president and chief financial officer of Princeton Theological Seminary.
What other volunteer activities do you participate in?
I participate in a number of volunteer activities through my membership at Nassau Presbyterian Church and am currently chairing the board of my alma mater university in Indiana.
How long have you been in the Princeton area and why did you come to this community?
My family and I moved to Princeton in 1999 in order for me to begin employment at the seminary.
What are your hobbies and interests?
I enjoy being a part of the Harriet Bryan House/Elm Court site committee and the opportunity that provides to meet some residents there and to work with staff at those facilities. I also enjoy sports, exercising, reading, and singing in the choir at Nassau Presbyterian.